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Q: Where did you grow up, and where do you live now?
A: I grew up and live in Melbourne!

Q: What have you studied, and what are you doing now?
A: I'm currently completing my final year of high school.

Q: How would you describe your personal style in 3-5 words?
A: I'm either over dressed or under-dressed, there's no in-between.

Q: If you had $300 for a shopping spree, how many items would you buy?

Q: Do you prefer street style fashion or runway fashion?
A: Street style :) Runway doesn't feel all that realistic sometimes haha.

Q: What do you splurge on? Skimp on?
A: I splurge on dresses, skimp on shoes...oops

Q: Who are your favorite style icon(s)?
A: Zendaya, kendall & kylie, and Gigi Hadid.

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