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Q: Where did you grow up, and where do you live now?
A: I've grown up in Genoa, Italy, and now I live in Antwerp

Q: What have you studied, and what are you doing now?
A:I'm graduated in Fashion Design and I'm working at Flora Miranda's atelier

Q: How would you describe your personal style in 3-5 words?
A:Young, fun and innovative

Q: Where do you shop? Luxury or high street? New or vintage? Boutiques? Online?
A:Vintage are the best!

Q: If you had $300 for a shopping spree, how many items would you buy?
A:As many as I can, provided they are beautiful

Q: Do you prefer street style fashion or runway fashion?
A:Innovative and avanguard fashion, and new and cool street style ideas

Q: What do you splurge on? Skimp on?
A:I tend to splurge on fabric and other materials, when I make my own garments.
I skimp on things I decide to buy to complete an outfit, when the idea just comes to my mind.

Q: When and how did you become interested in fashion, and where do you find your inspiration?
A:I've always wanted to be a designer, since childhood. I'm always inspired in young and alive enviroments

Q: Who are your favorite style icon(s)?
A:Petite Meller, Audrey Hepburn and Rupert Grint

Q: What are your favorite fashion blogs? Magazines?
A:Dazed and Confused, A magazine

Q: What do you love about fashion? Not love?
A:Fashion to me is a celebration of ourselves. I don't love when people is snob about it

Q: Your favorite designers & brands?
A:Iris Van Herpen, Tommy Hilfiger, Au Jour le Jour

Q: Do you follow fashion trends? Which ones?
A:Generally, but I prefer creating my own fashion in the end.

Q: Do you have any fashion rules when putting an outfit together?
A:Balance and not vulgar are the only rules

Q: Which would you be best at? Worst at? (Stylist, Designer, Photographer, Buyer)
A:Designer, marketing person

Q: What is your dream job?
A:Designing the garment, making the pattern and sell them!

Q: What are your other interests? How do you spend your spare time?
A:I'm interested in art and photography, open-air activities and animals.

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