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Q: Where did you grow up, and where do you live now?
A: I grew up in both Belgium and England, moving between the two, though I can now firmly say that England has my heart and I'm looking forward to moving back.

Q: What have you studied, and what are you doing now?
A: I studied History before settling on Law, though if I was honest with myself I would have done an English, Communications or Fashion course instead.

Q: How would you describe your personal style in 3-5 words?
A: All over the place. Ha, it needs work. But that's the great thing about style, it grows with you as you grow as an individual and learn what you like and don't like, what suits you and doesn't suit you.

Q: Where do you shop? Luxury or high street? New or vintage? Boutiques? Online?
A: Online high street, most definitely.

Q: If you had $300 for a shopping spree, how many items would you buy?
A: 10 cheap items, 2 mid-range item and one $100 splurge. It's not a spree if you don't come home with at least three bags.

Q: Do you prefer street style fashion or runway fashion?
A: Street style fashion, most definitely. That being said, sometimes street style feels just as far from anything us "regular" folk might wear.

Q: What do you splurge on? Skimp on?
A: Do I splurge? Ha. If there was something I would say I currently splurge on, it's skincare. You can change your clothes, but the skin you have isn't something you can go and pick up in a shop.

Q: When and how did you become interested in fashion, and where do you find your inspiration?
A: Magazines. I've always had a love affair with books, and then when I was eleven and received my first pocket money, I discovered the glossy pages of Vogue, Glamour and Elle. I was hooked.

Q: Do you have any fashion rules when putting an outfit together?
A: Wear what makes you happy.

Q: Which would you be best at? Worst at? (Stylist, Designer, Photographer, Buyer)
A: When I get rid of all my mental blocks, I'd say that I'd be best as a Buyer. I can usually spot trends in what people are enjoying, rather than what the current fashion trends would like them to. I reckon I'd also be a fairly decent photographer, and stylist. Designer, perhaps not so much..

Q: What is your dream job?
A: The one that I wake up every day eager to get started. Love what you do, do what you love after all.

Q: What are your other interests? How do you spend your spare time?
A: I'm a beauty and lifestyle blogger, so I spend time on that. I also have mad love for personal development books - anything that's about making the most of your life. I would be a yogi but at times I get restless, so interval training turns out to be a much better way of getting rid of stress. I sweat out the stress, ha.

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