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Q: Where did you grow up, and where do you live now?
A: I grew up in the state of Texas in the United States, and I currently live there still. I hope to move to New York City soon, though!

Q: What have you studied, and what are you doing now?
A: I haven't studied anything fashion-related at school, I have learned everything I know through myself and independent research. I am currently not working.

Q: Links to your style networks?
A: is my only blog/site. I pour my heart into it, basically every day. :)

Q: How would you describe your personal style in 3-5 words?
A: A luxurious, fabulously ever-changing mess. ;)

Q: Where do you shop? Luxury or high street? New or vintage? Boutiques? Online?
A: I would like to shop more often than I do, (don't we all?) and I mainly stick to a few stores, including Zara, Asos, and Topshop. You cannot imagine the frustration that comes with all of your favorite shops being based overseas, haha.

Q: If you had $300 for a shopping spree, how many items would you buy?
A: That's hard. I would most likely open links to a million items, and narrow it down over the course of an hour or two. I would pick out maybe like 4, things, and then flake out and buy one nice thing. :)

Q: Do you prefer street style fashion or runway fashion?
A: My personal preference is runway fashion. I have a bit of an obsession... Yeah, it's bad. That's most of what I post on my blog, realfashions on tumblr. I'm currently saving up for a domain for it. :)

Q: What do you splurge on? Skimp on?
A: I splurge on expensive, well-made garments. I know that's kind of vague... If I give myself a $200 budget to get an outfit or two at the mall, I'll end up finding ONE extremely nice piece and probably go over-budget for it, haha. I pass on classic Southern USA styles for girls my age; preppy T-shirts with running shorts and Chaco shoes... *shudders*

Q: When and how did you become interested in fashion, and where do you find your inspiration?
A: I first became interested in fashion at about age 5, during kindergarten, I believe. I would draw "pretty dresses" and choose my favorite looks on each page of my mother's runway magazines. :) I have been in love ever since!

Q: Who are your favorite style icon(s)?
A: I've never actually had a favorite style icon. Most of them are from the past, and the majority of my style is modern and minimal. Some of it is inspired by the 60s, though, so if I had to choose anyone, I would probably choose Twiggy.

Q: What are your favorite fashion blogs? Magazines?
A: My favorite are all tumblr blogs, tumblr being the only blog service I use. I reblog lots of my posts from vogue-is-viral and skaodi. They're utterly amazing. :) I love Vogue magazine; I can learn a lot just from studying the ads! I am also a huge Nylon fan; it's almost a younger, crazier take on high fashion.

Q: What do you love about fashion? Not love?
A: I love the fact that some fashion is easily wearable, some fashion is art (Comme de Gar�ons FW15 much?), and some, even both! The fact that it varies so much but can all fall under one name- that's what I love about fashion. :) I hate when people judge me for not following the mainstream. What they don't know is that the jokes on them! While I'm looking tasteful in a Topshop jumpsuit, they're sitting there looking like they crawled out of bed. ;)

Q: Your favorite designers & brands?
A: Valentino is BY FAR my favorite big name designer. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE Sportmax. I'm kind of obsessing over some smaller ones too, though, like Carven, Blumarine, and Manish Arora. And of course, who could forget Acne Studios??!! If only it was more affordable... *sighs*

Q: Do you follow fashion trends? Which ones?
A: Not many. Well, at least not the ones where I live. Southern USA girls dress like boys. I don't really have the chance to shop enough to really follow trends, but I do notice them often.

Q: Do you have any fashion rules when putting an outfit together?
A: I don't really have a set of rules in my head, I just wear what looks good to me! :)

Q: Which would you be best at? Worst at? (Stylist, Designer, Photographer, Buyer)
A: I would probably be best at Buying. In all my free time, I'm looking at clothes online, watching fashion shows, noticing trends and such. I would probably be worst at photography. I've always been creative, but that's the one I know the least about! :)

Q: What is your dream job?
A: That's what I'm trying to decide right now! I'm actually kind of leaning towards buying. :) I would love to buy for a big name store that carries high end labels, like Neiman's or Nordstrom.

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