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Q: How would you describe your personal style in 3-5 words?
A: Accessible basics.

Q: Where do you shop? Luxury or high street? New or vintage? Boutiques? Online?
A: Definitely high street because I believe that great style doesn't have to come at a high price. Mostly new, but I definitely wouldn't mind having a vintage piece or two. I sometimes shop online when the stores I like do not have a physical branch where I live.

Q: Do you prefer street style fashion or runway fashion?
A: I refer to both for inspiration, but in terms of everyday practicality, what people actually wear, street style is definitely more relatable. In terms of design, aesthetic, and art I love runway fashion. I think both areas of fashion inspire each other.

Q: When and how did you become interested in fashion, and where do you find your inspiration?
A: I started becoming mildly interested in fashion in college and more seriously in graduate school when I realised that it is where my passion lies. I find my inspiration from other bloggers, magazines, websites, books, art, and even random people on the street. I think it goes the other way around, inspiration finds me rather than me looking for it.

Q: Who are your favorite style icon(s)?
A: Audrey Hepburn, Jane Birkin, and Kate Moss.

Q: What do you love about fashion?
A: I love how it brings together a motley crew of people from diverse backgrounds who come together to create something beautiful and at the same time keep the economy going, since fashion is a billion dollar industry. I also like how the Internet has democratised fashion and it's refreshing to see fresh faces and voices giving new life to the dialogue.

Q: Do you follow fashion trends? Which ones?
A: I'm not really a fan of trends, although I do adopt the ones that I feel suit my personal style. Trends should be about furthering one's self-expression not effacing who a person is by going on an endless chase to be in.

Q: Do you have any fashion rules when putting an outfit together?
A: Wear what you like and make sure it fits in all the right places.

Q: Which would you be best at? Worst at? (Stylist, Designer, Photographer, Buyer)
A: I'd be best at being a stylist and worst at being a photographer.

Q: What is your dream job?
A: To be CEO of my own company with my own brand.

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